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What is Reverse Osmosis and what are its Benefits?

We all know by now that drinking more water is a smart and healthy decision. Still, the water you’re drinking is likely to be contaminated with harmful minerals. We also know that buying plastic bottled water is bad for the environment, so what can you do? Well, whether your water comes from a well or from the city supply, you can use Reverse Osmosis to filter it and have clean and fresh water right in your home.

Even though the name makes it seem like a new technology, Reverse Osmosis filtration systems have been around since 1977. It has since seen a huge increase in popularity due to its cost-effectiveness and many benefits. Basically, Reverse Osmosis is a filtration system that removes most of the contaminants in water by pushing it through a semi-permeable membrane.

Still, to truly understand how Reverse Osmosis works, we need to go a little deeper.

How does Reverse Osmosis work?

To understand Reverse Osmosis, you first need to understand the process of osmosis.

Osmosis is the movement of a solvent, in this case water, through a semi-permeable membrane into a solution with a higher solute concentration in order to equalize the concentrations of solute in both sides of the membrane. The membrane allows only the solvent to pass, resulting in two equally concentrated solvents.

Reverse Osmosis, on the other hand, is reversing the natural flow to separate the solute from the solvent. However, solutions don’t work that way, so the solution needs to be put under pressure in order to pass through the semi-permeable membrane.

Today, it's the finest filtration available and is used in many industries, including the dairy, wine, and bottled water industry. It's also used to desalinate water or take the salt out of ocean water.

But what does all this have to do with you, the average consumer? Well, Reverse Osmosis filtration systems can be installed under your sink and purify the water you drink and cook with. The water comes from the water supply, enters the system and passes through 3 to 5 filters in order to remove up to 98% of all contaminants.

Let’s see why drinking Reverse Osmosis filtered water is good for you.

Benefits of Drinking Reverse Osmosis Water

Superior taste

We know that taste is subjective, but research has shown that Reverse Osmosis water tastes much better compared to regular tap water. When all the contaminants are removed from the water, you’re left with refreshing and delicious water.

Additionally, Reverse Osmosis systems are usually combined with at least one carbon filter that further improves the taste and ensures any unpleasant odours are removed. The carbon filters eliminate probably the most unpleasant odour in water, hydrogen sulfide, or the smell of rotten eggs.

And when water tastes so good, you’ll definitely start drinking more and stay hydrated and healthy.

Purified water

Reverse Osmosis removes any contaminants in the form of molecules. Any molecule that’s smaller than water gets filtrated and removed. By avoiding all of these compounds, which can be in the thousands, you stay away from any negative health effects.

Major contaminants that the Reverse Osmosis filter removes include:

Lead – a leading contaminant, especially in old plumbing systems. By having bigger amounts of lead in your body you increase your risk of high blood pressure, fertility problems, anemia and possibly brain damage.

Sodium – the large sodium molecules can’t pass through the semi-permeable membrane, meaning that people who need to lower their sodium intake would greatly benefit from this filtration system.

Mercury – too much mercury in your system can damage your kidneys and your brain.

Chlorine – your tap water also contains Chlorine, drinking chlorinated water overtime can cause many health issues and influences the taste and the smell of your water.

The following excerpt is from The Global Healing Center:

Up to 2/3s of our harmful exposure to chlorine is due to inhalation of steam and skin absorption while showering. A warm shower opens up the pores of the skin and allows for accelerated absorption of chlorine and other chemicals in water. The steam

we inhale while showering can contain up to 50 times the level of chemicals than tap water due to the fact that chlorine and most other contaminants vaporize much faster and at a lower temperature than water.

Inhalation is a much more harmful means of exposure since the chlorine gas (chloroform) we inhale goes directly into our blood stream. When we drink contaminated water the toxins are partially filtered out by our kidneys and digestive system. Chlorine vapors are known to be a strong irritant to the sensitive tissue and

bronchial passages inside our lungs, it was used as a chemical weapon in World War II.

The inhalation of chlorine is a suspected cause of asthma and bronchitis, especially in children… which has increased 300% in the last two decades. “Showering is suspected as the primary cause of elevated levels of chloroform in nearly every home because of chlorine in the water.” Dr Lance Wallace, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

Other than these major contaminants, there are more than 90 additional contaminants that you can avoid by using a Reverse Osmosis filtration system.

Environmentally Friendly

Chances are that if you’re not drinking tap water, you’re probably buying bottled water. However, we all know that water bottles are terrible for the environment and buying bottled water all the time can be costly.

That’s why installing a filtration system in your home can save you a lot of money in the long run and provide you with clean and refreshing water without producing a lot of plastic waste. In addition, Reverse Osmosis doesn’t require any chemicals to purify the water that will compromise the environment!

Contact us today to receive a quote on a Reverse Osmosis Water Purification System in your home or business. | 613-267-5206 |

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